
Size for size there are few places in the world where such a variety of geological phenomena are gathered together as in New Zealand. Sedimentary rocks are represented of nearly all ages, from Archæan upwards, and all but the lowest have yielded fossils, in some places abundantly. We have metamorphic and eruptive rocks of nearly all kinds. We have volcanic cones of all sizes, from low hills to Ruapêhu, more than 9000 feet in height; and we have them in all stages of degradation, from mere stumps to fresh scoria-cones, and one, Tongaríro, still active. We have also solfataras and mud volcanoes, fumaroles, geysers, and hot springs in abundance. We have a mountain range with an alpine structure, and with glaciers and glacier lakes almost equalling those of Europe. But one thing is missing,—there are no Red Sandstones, either with or without salt and gypsum, and no magnesian limestones. New Zealand appears never to have been the site of great lacustrine deposits. In addition to all these advantages our geographical position is one of great interest. It is in New Zealand alone that we have any record of the ancient floras and faunas that overspread the South Pacific; and it is here we must look for evidence of the changes that have taken place in the physical geography and climate of this enormous area. Situated at the antipodes of Europe, any change of climate, brought about by shifting in position of the earth's axis, by changes in the obliquity of

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