
My main aim in this paper is to help foster a positive attitude toward a thesis of radical nihilism. According to this thesis, none of the things which, it seems, are most commonly alleged to exist do in fact exist: neither rocks nor stones, not tables nor chairs nor even people; perhaps most importantly, neither you nor I exist. The positive attitude toward this thesis is that it is worthy of serious consideration. The recommended attitude is that it should be seriously considered, at least, whether this thesis may not be perferable to its denial. Thus taken as a working hypothesis, this attitude continues, the thesis may provide a first step to developing a more adequate way of thinking. To be sure, if we stay within our ordinary thinking, the nihilistic thesis means commitment to paradox for us. Thus the paradoxical character of some things just said. But that may mean no relevant refutation of the thesis, or of our arguments on its behalf. Rather, it might direct us to abandon common sense entirely, in our philosophical thinking. Perhaps new beginnings for understanding'may then be sought so that such paradox may be properly avoided. But problems of paradox, while offering a quick reply for some, will not be the main obstacle to nihilism. Rather, that obstacle will be a general trust of common sense. To undermine this trust, I shall develop a complex of reasoning. This complex will consist of cycles of argument: first, two quite specific ones and, finally, an entirely comprehensive cycle. Each cycle may be regarded as consisting of four steps; so regarded, what is distinctive in each cycle is itsfirst step, for the cycles are otherwise quite the same. In each first step, there are offered dinstinctive arguments against one's own existence. My first cycle begins with sorites arguments against myself. These are extensions of, or adaptations of, the original sorites

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