
The coastal zone of South Buton Regency consists of unique ecosystems and abundant natural resources, but facing problems, mainly in terms of conflict between economic needs and ecological aspects. This study aims to set up scenarios for sustainable coastal zone management (SCZM) in South Buton Regency that are synergistic and benefit all stakeholders, without disregarding the principals of ecological conservation. Data were collected by interviews and field observations and were analyzed using prospective analysis method. Comprehensive analyisis were performed encompassing the effects and interactions of key components of the successfulness of the SCZM in South Buton based on the stakeholders desires. Three environmental management scenarios were assessed, namely: the conservative-pessimistic scenario, in which refinements for the key components are at minimum levels, the moderate-optimistic scenario, in which refinements for the key components are about 50%, and the progressive-optimistic scenario, in which all the key components are addressed for refinements. Results of the prospective analysis show that the moderate-optimistic scenario was the most appropriate scheme to be implemented for the sustainable coastal zone management in South Buton Regency, follows by progressive-optimistic and conservative-pessimistic scenarios, respectively.
 Keywords: Coastal zone; Key components; Prospective analysis; Environmental management


  • The coastal zone of South Buton Regency consists of unique ecosystems and abundant natural resources, but facing problems, mainly in terms of conflict between economic needs and ecological aspects

  • This study aims to set up scenarios for sustainable coastal zone management (SCZM) in South Buton Regency that are synergistic and benefit all stakeholders, without disregarding the principals of ecological conservation

  • Land-oceanhuman interactions in intensively developing coastal zone: Demonstration of case studies

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Kawasan pesisir (coastal zone) adalah perbatasan antara lautan dan daratan yang menjadi salah satu wilayah pilihan bagi sebagian penduduk dunia untuk bermukim dan mencari nafkah. Upaya-upaya pengelolaan yang baik menjadi prioritas utama dalam pemanfaatan lahan pada kawasan tersebut. Indonesia memiliki potensi sumberdaya kepesisiran dengan ekosistem yang unik, seperti terumbu karang, hutan bakau, dan lamun. Strategi pembangunan dan industrialisasi berbasis sumberdaya alam kepesisiran yang berkelanjutan perlu dirancang, terutama dalam era otonomi daerah, guna menjamin keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat kepesisiran dengan mempertahankan kelestarian kawasan pesisir. Sumberdaya alam pada kawasan pesisir di Kabupaten Buton Selatan, seperti terumbu katang, hutan bakau, padang lamun dan habitat akuatik lainnya memiliki arti yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan-kegiatan pemanfaatan lahan secara ilegal, seperti kegiatan penambangan pasir pantai oleh masyarakat setempat berakibat pada berkurangnya tutupan bakau di kawasan pesisir Buton Selatan. Permasalahan lingkungan di wilayah kepesisiran Buton Selatan yang teridentifikasi pada komponen bio-fisik adalah semakin rusaknya habitat kepesisiran, perubahan penggunaan lahan dan tidak terkendalinya penambangan pesisir pantai.

Lokasi Kajian
Prospektif Pengelolaan Wilayah Kepesisiran Buton Selatan
13. Penggunaan Teknologi dalam budidaya
Skenario-skenario Pengelolaan
15 Kerjasama dengan swasta
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