
More than 60% of world transactions used a transfer pricing scheme. Transfer pricing for tax avoidance is not in accordance with domestic Indonesian tax rules. This study aim to generate understanding about transfer pricing concept, determine transfer pricing risk factors, identify transfer pricing schemes, and explain transfer pricing risk management. Descriptive analysis method based on secondary data and literature studies applied in this research. This research shows that transfer pricing should be based on the arm’s length principle. Factors that determine transfer pricing risks are inter-company transactions, tax rates, and foreign ownership. Transfer pricing can be implemented in inter-company transactions schemes related to sales, intangible asset, loan and services through one or a combination of several types of inter-company transactions. Transfer pricing risk management can be carried out through law enforcement, access of information agreement, and development of a transfer pricing risk-based monitoring system. The Directorate General of Taxes needs to pay attention to taxpayers who have affiliated transactions, lower tax rates, and foreign ownership in monitoring the risk of transfer pricing. Business groups also need to to fulfill the arm's length principle in the transfer pricing scheme in order to comply with the regulation. Keywords: business groups, inter-company transactions, profit shifting, tax avoidance, transfer pricing


  • More than 60% of world transactions used a transfer pricing scheme

  • This research shows that transfer pricing should be based on the arm’s length principle

  • Transfer pricing can be implemented in intercompany transactions schemes related to sales, intangible asset, loan and services through one or a combination of several types of inter-company transactions

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Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2020 di Kantor Pusat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak dengan data diperoleh secara formal, hanya untuk tujuan penelitian, dan dijaga kerahasiaannya. Penelitian menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan studi literatur. Analisis statistika deskriptif diterapkan pada data sekunder yang dikumpulkan secara purposive sample, dengan kriteria, yaitu (1) perusahaan yang memiliki transaksi afiliasi; (2) perusahaan yang memiliki nilai peredaran usaha; dan (3) perusahaan dengan perhitungan pajak penghasilan non-final. Penelitian ini mencakup 7.672 observasi untuk tujuh tahun pajak yaitu Tahun 2012 sampai dengan Tahun 2018. Pemahaman konsep transfer pricing dan identifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi risiko transfer pricing dilakukan melalui studi literatur. Hasil studi literatur diimplementasikan dalam analisis faktor-faktor risiko transfer pricing terhadap 7.672 data observasi melalui analisis statistik deskriptif serta identifikasi penerapan skema transfer pricing. Penelitian juga dilakukan dalam mengidentifikasi bagaimana penanganan risiko transfer pricing oleh otoritas pajak.

Konsep Transfer Pricing
Transaksi Afiliasi
Tarif Pajak
Kepemilikan asing
Skema Transfer Pricing
Transfer Pricing dengan Transaksi Afiliasi Berupa Aset Tidak Berwujud
Transfer Pricing Berupa Pinjaman Afiliasi
Transfer Pricing dengan Transaksi Afiliasi Berupa Jasa
Penanganan Risiko Transfer pricing
Implikasi manajerial
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Paper version not known

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