
This case report presents the orthodontic andorthognathic surgery treatment of a non-growingpatient with class III malocclusion. A 17 year oldfemale patient presented a dental and skeletal classIII malocclusion characterized by mandibulerprognathism and maxillary retrognathism. Selfligating brackets were preferred for pre-surgicalorthodontic management which lasted for 14mounths. Bimaxillary orthognathic surgery wasperformed to correct maxillary-mandibulerdiscrepancy after the pre-surgical orthodontictreatment. Final teeth positions and the occlusionwas improved by post–surgical orthodontictreatment, class I dental and skeletal occlusion anda straight soft tissue profile were achieved withoutextraction. Using self-ligating brackets duringorthodontic and orthognathic surgery treatment ofclass III patients provides more aesthetic and stableresults by improving the treatment efficiency.

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