
The modern gorgonocephalid ophiuroid Astrophyton, a basketstar, has feeding habits which may be analogous to those of some Paleozoic crinoids that lack pinnulate arms (Meyer and Lane 1975). Field study has demonstrated the very quick response of Astrophyton when plankton impinge upon its arms. Study of the skeletal microstructure by scanning electron microscopy has shown that the quick response is facilitated by the development of relatively large ventral muscle fossae and articular surfaces whose shape follows a catenary curve. Prey are impaled by spines which articulate with the ventral surface of vertebral ossicles. Stereomic microstructure of vertebral ossicles is galleried where ligaments are present and labyrinthic where muscular tissue is present. The same microstructures are found in muscular articulations of modern crinoids. Future work on the arm structure of Paleozoic taxocrinids and cyathocrinids may demonstrate structural analogies and suggest similarities in food capture between such crinoids and modern baskets tars.

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