
The initial expression of skeletal muscle structural genes typically occurs after myogenic determination factor gene expression. We investigated this temporal relationship via a reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) analysis of skeletal and cardiac α-actin (s- and c-actin) mRNA during chick limb development. c-actin transcripts were first detected at the beginning of muscle cytodifferentiation in stage 24/25 limbs, shortly after the initial appearance of MyoD and myogenin mRNAs, and were not detected in nonmyogenic tissues. In contrast, s-actin mRNA was detected in limbs at stage 15–16, periods when myf5 and MRF4 but not MyoD and myogenin transcripts are present (Lin-Jones, J., and Hauschka, S. D.,Dev. Biol.174, 407–422, 1996). While s-actin mRNA was not detected in E7 neural retina and was at variable levels in stage 9–15 neural tube, significant levels were consistently detected in mesodermal tissues which contribute nonmyogenic cells to the limb: stage 9–12 lateral plate and distal portions of stage 25/26 limbs. s-actin transcripts detected in the earliest limbs could thus be in myogenic and/or nonmyogenic cells. These data indicate that while c-actin expression is activated at the onset of limb muscle cytodifferentiation, s-actin expression occurs much earlier, as well as in some nonmyogenic tissues. Whether the precocious expression of s-actin plays a functional role in muscle development remains to be determined.

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