
The compressive strength of unidirectionally or layer-wise reinforced composite materials in direction parallel to their reinforcement is limited by micro-buckling instabilities. Although the inherent compressive strength of a given material micro-structure can easily be determined by assessing its stability under a uniform compressive load, this is often not sufficient for predicting failure initiation within a larger structure. In cases, where the composite material micro-structure is locally subjected to strongly non-uniform loadings, compressive instabilities depend not only on the maximum compressive stress but also on spatial stress or strain gradients, rendering failure initiation size scale dependent. The present work demonstrates and investigates the aforementioned effect through numerical simulations of periodically layered structures with notches and holes under bending and compressive loads, respectively. The presented results emphasize the importance of the reinforcing layer thickness on the load carrying capacity of the investigated structures, at a constant volumetric fraction of the reinforcement. The observed strengthening at higher values of the relative layer thickness is attributed to the bending stiffness of the reinforcing layers.


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  • The compressive strength of unidirectionally or layer-wise reinforced composite materials in direction parallel to their reinforcement is limited by micro-buckling instabilities

  • The inherent compressive strength of a given material micro-structure can be determined by assessing its stability under a uniform compressive load, this is often not sufficient for predicting failure initiation within a larger structure

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This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 139 012041 (http://iopscience.iop.org/1757-899X/139/1/012041) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more. Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 16/09/2016 at 12:38. Please note that terms and conditions apply. Ou Xianhua et al Investigation of the magnetoelectric effect driven by a single magnetic field inTb1-xDyxFe2-y–Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 bilayers N Zhang, X M Yin, Weili Ke et al Decomposition of the Two Lowest Lamb Modes in a Bonded Plate Wang Xiao-Min, Lian Guo-Xuan and Li Ming-Xuan Evaluation of the Interface Between Two Plates by the Lamb Wave Wang Xiao-Min, Lian Guo-Xuan and Li Ming-Xuan The ‘dipole instability’ in complex plasmas and its role in plasma crystal melting V V Yaroshenko, H M Thomas and G E Morfill The synthesis of MgB2 superconductor using Mg2Cu as a starting material A Kikuchi, Y Yoshida, Y Iijima et al.37th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science

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