
The Circle Hough Transform (CHT) has become a common method for circle detection in numerous image processing applications. Various modifications to the basic CHT operation have been suggested which include: the inclusion of edge orientation, simultaneous consideration of a range of circle radii, use of a complex accumulator array with the phase proportional to the log of radius, and the implementation of the CHT as filter operations. However, there has also been much work recently on the definition and use of invariance filters for object detection including circles. The contribution of the work presented here is to show that a specific combination of modifications to the CHT is formally equivalent to applying a scale invariant kernel operator. This work brings together these two themes in image processing which have herewith been quite separate. Performance results for applying various forms of CHT filters incorporating some or all of the available modifications, along with results from the invariance kernel, are included. These are in terms of an analysis of the peak width in the output detection array (with and without the presence of noise), and also an analysis of the peak position in terms of increasing noise levels. The results support the equivalence between the specific form of the CHT developed in this work and the invariance kernel.

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