
Pituitary homogenates and plasma from untreated and estrogen treated ovariectomized rats were subjected to gel filtration chromatography and the prolactin in fractions collected between the void and total elution volumes of the columns was determined by radio- immunoassay. Three components of prolactin, identified as “void volume”, “big” and “little” according to increasing elution volumes, were observed in pituitary homogenates of ovariectomized rats. These three components accounted for 4, 11 and 85% of the total prolactin activity respectively. Estrogen treatment of ovariectomized rats increased the total prolactin in the pituitary and also selectively increased the “big” component to 21% of the prolactin activity on the column. A smaller increase was also observed in the “void volume” component. Gel filtration of the plasma obtained from estrogen-treated rats before and during the estrogen-induced afternoon surge of prolactin showed that “little” prolactin was the predominate form being secreted and that the “void volume” and “big” components were also released. The release of the components was not in proportion to that observed in the pituitary and the larger components were released in a nonuniform manner. The “void volume” component appeared in the plasma as the surge began but then disappeared as the “big” component appeared at the peak of the surge. The big component decreased as the surge waned leaving primarily “little” component in plasma. The data indicate (1) that estrogen stimulates the formation of the larger components of prolactin in the pituitary (2) that the types of prolactin released into plasma of estrogen-treated ovariectomized rats is not in proportion to that found in the pituitary and (3) that the heterogeneous forms of prolactin are selectively released into plasma during the prolonged secretory episode of the afternoon surge of prolactin induced by estrogen.

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