
Iron has been shown to limit phytoplankton growth in high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions such as the NE subarctic Pacific. We report size-fractionated Fe-uptake rates by the entire plankton community in short (6–8 h) light and dark incubations along an E–W transect from P04 (a coastal ocean station) to OSP (an open-ocean HNLC station) during August–September 1997. Size-fractionated primary productivity and chl a were measured to monitor algal Fe : C uptake ratios and Fe-uptake relative to phytoplankton biomass. The >5.0 μm size-class, which consisted mostly of large diatoms, had the highest Fe-uptake rate at nearshore stations (P04 and P8), but Fe-uptake rates for this size class decreased despite increases in biomass and primary productivity when transecting westwards to HNLC waters. Fe-uptake rates of the small size class (0.2–1.0 μm, including heterotrophic bacteria and autotrophs) were inversely related to the >5.0 μm size-class uptake rates, in that stations with high dissolved Fe (DFe) concentrations had relatively low uptake rates compared to those in the low-Fe offshore region. The 1.0–5.0 μm size-class Fe-uptake rates were low, relatively invariant along the transect, and differed little between light and dark incubations. Dark Fe-uptake rates averaged 10–20% less than those in the light for the >5.0 μm size class. Dark uptake rates however, were higher than light uptake rates for the 0.2–1.0 μm size class at all stations. Fe : C uptake ratios were high for all size classes at P04, but decreased as DFe concentrations decreased offshore. The prokaryote-dominated 0.2–1.0 μm size class had the highest Fe : C uptake ratios at all stations. These data suggest that prokaryotic organisms make an important contribution to biological Fe uptake in this region. Our experiments support the results of previous culture work, suggesting higher Fe : C ratios in coastal phytoplankton compared to open-ocean species, and demonstrate that light can have a large effect on Fe partitioning between size classes in subarctic Pacific HNLC waters.

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