
Panulirus penicillatus (Olivier 1791), although widely distributed and locally abundant, is a relatively little known species of spiny lobster. Lobsters (n = 355) were caught by trapping in the Saudi Red Sea between Port Sharma and Yanbu. For a subsample of 60 of these, measurements were made of carapace length (CL), length of 2nd and 3rd pereiopods, and the number of eggs carried by ovigerous females. The allometric relationship between CL and the lengths of the second and 3rd pereiopods differs after sexual maturity, and between males and females: allometry of leg length can therefore be used to estimate the size of sexual maturity. Saudi P. penicillatus appear to mature at carapace lengths of 40–50 mm. The relationship between CL and egg number is given by the equation E = 7.43 (CL)2,30. Size distribution and fecundity were combined to indicate the relative contribution to reproduction of different size classes. In both size distribution and size-specific fecundity, the Saudi Red Sea population studied...

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