
This paper investigates occurrence of metal(loid)s, and size-dependent changes in their concentration in recent marine sediments from coastal and open-sea environments in the eastern Adriatic. Size fractionation of sediments was performed after removal of organic matter (OM), and the individual fractions, comprising particles below 8 μm, 4 μm, 2 μm, 1 μm and 0.45 μm, were analysed using HR ICP-MS. The concentrations of most elements increased with decreasing particle size, as a result of accumulation of clay minerals and Fe and Mn (oxyhydr)oxides. A decrease in concentrations was observed for Ba, Sr, Ti and U, due to lowering of the carbonate content and presence in the coarse-grained and heavy mineral fraction. The highest element concentrations were determined in the fraction comprising particles below 1 μm. Occasionally, depending on the sedimentological environment and/or the element in question, the peak concentrations occurred in the <2 μm or <0.45 μm fraction. The lowest size-dependent enrichment was observed for elements associated with aluminosilicates (Al, Be, Cs, Co, Fe, K, Li, Rb). A different size-dependent behaviour of the elements was observed between deep-sea areas and shallow environments under greater coastal influence, mainly due to differences in sediment sorting, and between the northern and central vs. southern Adriatic due to the different catchment geologies. The Fe and Mn (oxyhydr)oxides, abundant in the deep-sea sediments, played an important role in the geochemical cycle of As, Cd, Co, Mo, Sb and V.

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