
Kekwick has recently presented data on the size and shape of an A-substance preparation from pseudomucinous ovarian cyst fluid1. He obtained a molecular weight of 260000 and an axial ratio of 60/1 from ultracentrifuge and diffusion measurements. For comparison it seems worthwhile to present briefly data obtained on other preparations of A-substance2.Materials. The closely related preparations R18-F10, R19-F1A, and R19-F2A of A-substance from hog gastric mucin were used (3,4).‡ This material is known to be chemically and immunologically inhomogeneous (3,4). The solvent used in all experiments was 0.02 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.1 with sufficient sodium chloride to give an ionic strength of 0.15.Light scattering. Measurements were made at concentrations between 1.0 and 0.1%. Values of the reciprocal of specific turbidity were plotted against concentration and extrapolated to zero concentration. The molecular weights of R19-F1A and R19-F2A calculated from the values of (C/τ) c=o were 900,000 and 1,100,000 re...

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