
Ferritins purified from horse spleen and from rat liver, kidney, heart and hepatoma were analyzed by quantitative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. From the migration characteristics of these ferritins at several gel concentrations, Ferguson plots were constructed and the molecular sizes and charges (apparent valences) together with their statistical variability were obtained by applying Rodbard computer programs to the data. Finally, ellipses were drawn describing the 95 per cent confidence limits of these data for size and charge and were used to identify those ferritins that differed in size and/or charge. By these criteria, many of the tissue ferritins were differentiated from one another in terms of their molecular size and/or charge. Among the various tissue ferritin monomers, the molecular sizes were essentially similar (420 000–490 000) except for the two heart ferritins which were larger (530 000 and 626 000, respectively). However, the estimated charges on rat liver, kidney and hepatoma monomers (30–38 net protons per molecule) differed from that of spleen monomer (51 net protons per molecule) while the larger rat heart ferritin also had a greater charge (83 net protons) than the smaller (40 net protons). Apoferritins prepared chemically by removal of iron from the holoferritins had migration properties indistinguishable from the parent holoferritins. The migration properties of minor (dimeric) ferritin bands on the gels were compared with those of the monomer bands. The molecular sizes of the minor bands were larger than those of the major bands, and were not inconsistent with a doubling in size. However, charge differences varied, being either similar for major and minor forms (spleen ferritin), approximately twice for the minor form (rat hepatoma ferritin) or five times greater for the minor form (rat liver ferritin). These differences in behavior were confirmed by using minimally sieving gels, on which the major bands of horse spleen ferritin failed to separate whereas those of rat liver ferritin were readily separable. It is concluded that dimers of ferritins from different tissues may associate in different ways.

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