
Based on research findings from 1963–2021 the analysis of size-age indicators, qualitative structure of populations and changes in the number of kaluga Huso dauricus and Amur sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii in the river was carried out. Amur. It is established that in the period from the 60s. last century to 2008–2011 in the kaluga and the Amur sturgeon in the Amur River, there was a reduction in the size range and number of age groups, the proportion of mature individuals, the level of replenishment of populations with juveniles and abundance. The main reason for these changes is INN fishing (illegal, unreported and unregulated). According to the results of research in 2021, it was revealed that the modern number of kaluga exceeded the figures of the 60s. last century. In the Amur sturgeon, the process of population growth has not yet reached the historical values noted in the 1960s–1970s, but exceeded the indicators of the 1980s and subsequent years. Despite the noted positive points, at present, the population of kaluga in the river. Amur is characterized by the smallest average size and age over 60 years of study. The situation is better for the Amur sturgeon, which is due to the lower interest of fishermen in this species and the large volume of release of its juveniles from sturgeon hatcheries (ORZ). The reason for the positive dynamics is the artificial reproduction that has been developing on the Amur over the past decade, as well as the introduced set of restrictions on the Pacific salmon fishery. To further increase the number of Kaluga and Amur sturgeon in the river. Amur, it is proposed to maintain the current volumes of artificial reproduction of sturgeons and extend the restrictive measures in the salmon fishery for at least the next 10 years.

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