
The values of the important engineering thermodynamic properties of steam which have been generally accepted since 1934 did not cover the higher pressures and temperatures used in modern power plants because data for these conditions were not available at that time. In 1954 an international conference was convened which decided that tables covering pressures and temperatures to approximately 15000 psi and 1500 °F should be worked out for international adoption. It was also decided to include in the tables values of two transport properties (viscosity and thermal conductivity). To implement these decisions, a working committee made up of representatives of UK, BRD, USSR, and USA were appointed; at a meeting of the conference held in New York in October, 1963, this committee presented tables of proposed values of the properties based on the latest experimental work available. This Conference adopted skeleton tables of the values of (a) Thermodynamic Properties of Saturated Water and Saturated Steam; (b) Specific Volume of Compressed Water and Superheated Steam; and (c) Specific Enthalpy of Compressed Water and Superheated Steam. The values in the skeleton tables cover pressure and temperature ranges of from 0 to 1000 bars (14,500 psi) and from 0 to 800 °C (1470 °F). These tables are true skeleton tables with wide spacing between pressure and temperature values and are intended only as the basis of working tables and are attached to the Release. It was not possible for the Conference to reach final agreement on the values of the transport properties and the tables of these values are to be determined by a working group meeting in the Summer of 1964. A second working group was appointed to determine satisfactory formulas for use in interpolating between the skeleton table values of the thermodynamic properties. This group is to report at the earliest practical date, and when its work is completed new working steam tables of thermodynamic and transport properties can be prepared.

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