
THE Report for 1887 is published in three separate parts—a A plan which will be found convenient in many ways. Part I. contains the General Report; Part II., Report on Salmon Fisheries; and Part III., the Scientific Investigations. The product of the sea-fisheries of Scotland continues to be very large, but in 1887 the prices of most kinds of fish were much lower than they had been for a great many years previously; the fishermen only received a very small return for their capital and labour, and many of them were reduced to a state of extreme poverty. Of the different fisheries of Scotland, that of the herring continues to be by far the most productive and valuable. The fishing of 1887 was less so than that of 1886, but, owing to the great depression in the herring trade, it was not entered into nor carried on with the spirit and industry of more prosperous times. The summer's catches of herring were, speaking generally, much inferior to those of 1886, but the winter herring fishery was the most productive ever known. With yearly fluctuations, the yield of the herring fishery on the Scottish coast has, since the beginning of the century, gone on increasing in an extraordinary degree. The total quantity of white fish landed and sold for consumption fresh showed a large increase compared with 1886; being the largest landed in any year during which returns have been collected; whilst the shell-fish showed a considerable decrease. The total gross value of the sea-fisheries of Scotland for 1887 was,£1,915,602 10s. The Board are much impressed with the beneficial results to fishermen and curers arising from increased telegraphic communication, which, when further developed, will be of immense value for the promotion of the fishing industry. It is satisfactory that thirteen new telegraph stations are to be opened in remote districts; also that a number of harbours are being improved or constructed. The marine police and fishery superintendence was carried on by H. M. SS. Jackal, Vigilant, Firm, and Active.

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