
Qiu Xiaolong began writing poems in Chinese in 1978 when he studied under the well-known Chinese poet Bian Zhilin His work was published in various magazines in China, and he became a member of the Chinese Writers' Association. His collection of poems was scheduled to come out in 1989; he received the galley proofs in the United States, but publication was canceled after that eventful summer. Thereupon, he shifted to writing in English. His English poetry has won several awards, including the Missouri Arts Council Writers' Biennial 1994. In 2008 he published a collection of poems titled Lines Around China, and in 2012, another collection titled Disappearing Shanghai that included photography by Howard French. He has also published eight novels in the internationally best-selling Inspector Chen series, a collection of short stories, and several collections of classic Chinese poetry in translation. His latest novel, Enigma of China, will be published in June 2013.

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