
Yacht Industry is one of the important and developing sectors and yacht furniture manufactory is a branch of this sector those are growing day by day. Important that yacht and yacht furniture are both as status symbols and integrate each other. Seeing yachts and furniture as status symbols is important for these two complementary sectors. This importance is even more significant as yacht furniture manufacturing is the second largest cost item in yacht building after engine equipment.Yacht furniture manufactoring has important position in the yacht industry, in the future this importance will be understood better. It is significant to make researches on yacht furniture manufactoring’s technology use, quality, institutionalization, efficiency, employment, added value, branding and design will help to develop and improve our economy. When The Turkish Yacht Furniture Sector is compared to its competitors it has a cheap but qualified workforce and a central location close to all markets. Using results obtained from this study; although companies mostly solve their design and production drawings with architects and engineers in their own design offices, the most important problem is production managment and planning. Also the most crucial problem about production side is that qualified workers do not have sufficient skills. For those problems, the sector should be introduced correctly and yacht educational schools should be increased. In our country, yacht furniture sector which is sub-sector under the yacht building industy that is dynamicly developing in last decate despite the contraction in developed countries.

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