
The tomographic inversion of shear wave splitting data for upper mantle anisotropy has been a longstanding challenge. This is due to the ray-based approximation of classical approaches and the near-vertical incidence of the core-mantle converted phases such as SKS that are often used. Recent developments include the calculation of finite-frequency sensitivity kernels for SKS splitting intensity observations, which allows us to accurately take into account the sensitivity to anisotropic structure with depth. A requirement of this tomographic technique is a dense station spacing, which results in overlapping sensitivity kernels at depth and allows for the localization of anisotropic structure. This is satisfied by a growing number of temporary seismic deployments, which motivates the desire to image anisotropic complexities with depth. Here, we introduce and make available a toolbox for the MATLAB environment that facilitates the application of finite-frequency splitting intensity tomography to dense seismic arrays. Our implementation includes several key features, including: 1) A forward calculation of splitting intensities and sensitivity kernels for a complex anisotropic model space. 2) Consideration of the dominant period of the wave, allowing for multiple-frequency analysis, as well as the incoming wave’s non-vertical incidence. 3) The inversion can be based on a classical gradient descent, on a form of the conjugate gradient method known as the BFGS algorithm, or on a gradient-informed stochastic reversible jump algorithm, allowing for a data-driven parametrization of the model space. 4) Importing splitting intensity measurements from waveforms processed in SplitRacer allows for fast pre-processing of large data sets due to its fully automatic design. To illustrate our method, we present both synthetic tests and an application to real data. We apply our inversion procedure to data from the Swath-D network, which densely covers the transition of the Central to the Eastern Alps. Previous studies showed evidence for an abrupt lateral change of layered seismic anisotropy that had been attributed to an opening for channeled asthenospheric flow. Using an SKS splitting intensity tomography approach, we can confirm previous inferences while providing additional constraints on the distribution of anisotropy laterally and with depth.

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