
The present study examines how the hormonal action of gonadotropin is modulated by transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF beta 1) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in primary cultures of purified porcine Leydig cells. Although TGF beta 1 (1 ng/ml; 48 h) and EGF (10 ng/ml; 72 h) individually enhanced hCG-stimulated testosterone formation, the effects of EGF were more pronounced than those of TGF beta 1. When studied in combination, the effects of maximal concentrations of TGF beta 1 and EGF were additive on gonadotropin hormonal action. In the present study we demonstrate that their additive effects resulted from a complex interaction occurring at the levels of cholesterol substrate availability in the mitochondria and of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase activity (3 beta HSDI). First, TGF beta 1 (1 ng/ml; 48 h) and EGF (10 ng/ml; 72 h) were, respectively, shown to reduce and enhance dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) formation (evaluated in the presence of 10(-5) M WIN 24540, an inhibitor of 3 beta HSDI) in Leydig cells when acutely (3 h) stimulated with hCG (0.01-1 ng/ml), but not when incubated with 22R-hydroxycholesterol (3 micrograms/ml). Such findings indicate that TGF beta 1 and EGF did not affect cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 activity, but, respectively, decreased and increased cholesterol substrate availability for this enzyme in the mitochondria. Furthermore, when Leydig cells were treated with the combined factors, the formation of delta 5-steroid intermediates (such as DHEA) in untreated (control) and EGF-plus TGF beta 1-treated cells was not significantly different whether the cells were acutely stimulated with the gonadotropin or incubated with 22R-hydroxycholesterol. Such findings indicate that the effects of EGF and TGF beta 1 on cholesterol substrate availability in the mitochondria are antagonistic. Second, EGF, TGF beta 1, and EGF plus TGF beta 1 significantly (P less than 0.001) increased delta 5-steroid intermediate (i.e. pregnenolone and DHEA), but not delta 4-steroid intermediate (i.e. progesterone and androstenedione), conversion into testosterone, indicating that the growth factors increased, individually or in combination in an additive manner, 3 beta HSDI activity (respectively, 90.7 +/- 0.6%, 80.6 +/- 2.6%, and 164 +/- 4.5% increase in the presence of EGF, TGF beta 1, and EGF plus TGF beta 1). Together, the reciprocal suppression of the effects of TGF beta 1 and EGF on the mitochondrial cholesterol substrate availability coupled to their stimulatory additive actions on 3 beta HSDI activity provide an explanation of the additive actions of the two growth factors on gonadotropin-induced testicular androgen formation.

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