
We demonstrate a single-site and single-atom-resolved fluorescence imaging of a bosonic Mott insulator of $^7$Li atoms in an optical lattice. The fluorescence images are obtained by implementing Raman sideband cooling on a deep two-dimensional square lattice, where we collect scattered photons with a high numerical aperture objective lens. The square lattice is created by a folded retro-reflected beam configuration that can reach 2.5~mK lattice depth from a single laser source. The lattice beam is elliptically focused to have a large area with deep potential. On average 4,000 photons are collected per atom during 1~s of the Raman sideband cooling, and the imaging fidelity is over 95$\%$ in the central 80$\times$80 lattice sites. As a first step to study correlated quantum phases, we present the site-resolved imaging of a Mott insulator. Tuning the magnetic field near the Feshbach resonance, the scattering length can be increased to 680$a_B$, and we are able to produce a large-sized unity filling Mott insulator with 2,000 atoms at low temperature. Our work provides a stepping stone to further in-depth investigations of intriguing quantum many-body phases in optical lattices.

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