
The use of technology is increasingly on the rise in modern times. It is possible to find cars that make use of the most advanced technological systems, just as it is possible to find small objects such as a smartphone that are also equipped with various technological features. In this context, the discussion arises about the importance of so-called embedded systems, which constitute programs encapsulated in machines or even other programs and whose interaction with their users occurs through the use of interfaces, with literal access not being possible. In addition to the applications already mentioned, another application that has gained prominence through the use of embedded systems is residential management through automated systems. Embedded systems focused on home automation make extensive use of the internet of things and can be operated in person or remotely, focusing on aspects such as safety, comfort, time savings, among others. The objective of this case study is to discuss the application of embedded systems in home automation applications, as due to the expansion of the real estate market in Brazil, it becomes relevant to address aspects directly or indirectly related to it. The problem question to which we want to obtain an answer is: “What are the advantages of using embedded systems in the possibility of home automation?”. The study methodology applied was bibliographic in nature, seeking the main concepts in specialized literature, as well as discussions on the topic under study. The results demonstrated that there is a tendency for the real estate market to be increasingly adept at using automation and consequently there is also an increase in the use of devices connected to the world wide web through the internet of things and the functionality of systems embedded in devices. and various programs, enabling the enjoyment of certain and specific previously programmed functions. It is concluded that the advantages experienced when using embedded systems are the versatility of applications, efficiency due to the fact that they are endowed with specificity, innovation and reliability of these systems.

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