
The extraction of water from wells for supply in rural populations is one of the most profitable and novel applications of photovoltaic solar energy. The use of a specific type of submersible pumps for applications with photovoltaic energy, that work with direct / direct current (DC / DC) generated directly from the photovoltaic modules, allows an independent installation of the electrical network with very scarce maintenance needs, in This project was carried out the sizing, installation and commissioning of an autonomous pumping system with a submersible pump powered by a photovoltaic solar installation in the municipality of Actopan Hidalgo in the state of Pachuca. To implement the project, a climate study was first carried out. the area to support the efficiency of the solar pumping system, in this project we used 18 panels of 150 W, a SubDrive Solar controller, a Franklin Electric pump of 3 HP and a frequency inverter for the optimization of said pump.

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