
Agroforestry research in the Brazilian Amazon began in the eighties by Agricultural Research Brazilian Enterprise (Embrapa), Executive Commission of Cacao Plantation (CEPLAC), and the National Institute of Amazonian Research (Inpa) by the Agronomic Science Research Coordination (CPCA). Evaluation of literature on agroforestry systems can identify lacking areas of information or grouping them into knowledge area. Thus, it is possible to extract lessons to be used for planning and executing public polices. This paper analyzed the literature on agroforestry systems, in the Brazilian Amazon, from 1980 to 2005. The bibliography survey was based on database of Embrapa Eastern Amazon as well as on the Agricultural Research Data Base (BDPAWeb) through the search expression [*Amazon and sist* and agriculture* and agrossi*]. The literature was classified by year, responsible institution, author, local implementation, and use of trees. A total of 460 references were classified. The chronological analysis showed that the Brazilian Congress of Agroforestry System (CBSAF) contributed to increase the scientific production. In general, agroforestry research needs a long time for validation. However, projection of scenarios by modeling could shortening time. We observed a gap in modeling of systems. Therefore, it is necessary to develop this issue seeking to obtain more dynamic and solid progresses in the agroforestry system research.

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