
A number of problems sometimes often arise regarding the flow of clean water from Regional Drinking Water Companies (PDAMs) to customers, such as the flow of water stops suddenly or there is no water at all, so it is necessary to manufacture a prototype system for monitoring the distribution of clean water with a microcontroller-controlled prepaid method. IoT based. The distribution of PDAM water that is channeled to consumers can be monitored online through the Internet network. The objectives of this research are (a) to make a prototype (prototype) of a prepaid clean water distribution system controlled by a microcontroller based on IoT, (b) to program an Arduino IDE-assisted system, and (c) to measure system performance. The research method starts from making a prototype physical form of clean water distribution assisted by a microcontroller, programming the microcontroller and Wi-Fi module, and measuring system performance. The results of measuring system performance are indicated by an error in the ultrasonic sensor reading HC-SR04 that occurs when the water level is low and too high with a maximum measured water level of 95%. The error when measuring the waterflow sensor at the water level is lower than 49% which is influenced by the water speed from the low pressure pump when the water level is below that value. The accuracy level of the waterflow sensor is 96.96% which is based on the sensor measurement results which are compared to the measurement results with a measuring cup. The system can monitor data readings from the waterflow sensor by using the NodeMCU ESP8266 on a web server from Thinkspeak via the smartphone screen. Overall the tool can function well


  • A number of problems sometimes often arise regarding the flow of clean water from Regional Drinking Water Companies

  • The distribution of Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) water that is channeled to consumers can be monitored

  • of a prepaid clean water distribution system controlled by a microcontroller based on

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PDAM prabayar

Global System for Mobile Commuication/General Packet Radio Service (GSM/GPRS) digunakan untuk komunikasi antara sistem dan server melalui jaringan GSM/GPRS. Pemantauan volume air sesuai kuota dilakukan melalui NodeMCU ESP8266 berbasis aplikasi Thingspeak, sehingga ditetapkan tujuan penelitian yang meliputi (a) membuat sebuah prototipe sistem pendistribusian air bersih metode prabayar terkendali mikrokontroler berbasis IoT, (b) pemrograman sistem berbantuan Arduino IDE, dan (c) mengukur kinerja sistem berupa hasil pengukuran terhadap ketinggian air Pembuatan prototipe sistem keran air otomatis untuk dan dapat dipantau di komputer berbasis jaringan, dan gedung bertingkat [13] dengan hasil berupa penunjukan penampilan pembacaan kuota air bersih yang terdapat di sistem kontrol untuk pengaturan jadwal buka atau tutup meteran air pada Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Sasaran penelitian ketiga berupa pengukuran kinerja sistem dilakukan melalui (i) tahapan pengukuran terhadap ketinggian permukaan air pada tendon air induk yang dapat dipantau di komputer berbantuan jaringan dan (ii) tahapan pembacaan kuota air bersih berdasarkan penunjukan di meteran air yang tertampilkan pada LCD. Tahapan ini dilakukan pembuatan rangkaian elektronika yang terdiri atas rangkaian (a) transistor switching, (b) relay driver, (c) sensor waterflow G1/2, (d) sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04, (e) komunikasi serial antara Arduino UNO R3 dan MEGA2560 R3, (f) LCD 2x16, (g) alarm peringatan kuota telah habis (Pelanggan), (h) kode pengaktifan kuota air, (i) Ethernet Shield ke Arduino MEGA2560 R3, dan (j) NodeMCU ESP8266

Rangkaian transistor switching digunakan untuk
Pin pada Ethernet Shield SS
Buzzer input output output output
Kondisi Transistor
Posisi Relai
Ketinggian Permukaan
Pengukuran dilakukan pada modul sensor ultrasonik
Ketinggian permukaan air merupakan kebalikan dari
Penampungan air pada tandon air induk tidak boleh pada
Daftar Rujukan
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