
This study aims to describe and analyze the Islamic boarding school education system in improving the life skills of students at the Bustanul Ulum Al-Ghozali Islamic Boarding School, Dukuh Dempok village, Wuluhan, Jember. This study uses a qualitative approach to field research, data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, non participant observation and documentation studies, the collected data is interpreted from analysis using a data condensation process, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Data credibility testing technique uses triangulation of technique and time sources. The discussion un this study includes: 1) The educational system of the Bustanul Ulum Al-Ghozali Islamic boarding school supports the implementation of the lifeskills education programs for santri. 2) Life skills education integrated into curricular and extracurricular programs at the Bustanul Ulum Al-Ghozali Islamic Boarding school. 3) implication of involvement of the role a boarding school education system in the implementation of life sklls education programs.

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