
Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a household need which is currently the most widely used by the community as a fuel other than petroleum. The use of LPG cylinders, which increases every year, is directly proportional to the increased risk of fire caused by gas leaks. Many LPG cylinders circulating in the community today do not use good safety. Therefore, a tool is needed to detect LPG leaks so that people can find out more quickly when there is a gas leak. This system is designed using a microcontroller-based MQ-2 sensor. The MQ-2 sensor functions as a gas leak detector, the buzzer serves as a warning in the event of a gas leak and the SIM800L will send an SMS via the user's smartphone.
 The MQ-2 sensor can detect gas leaks at a distance of 2 meters in a closed room without ventilation. The MQ-2 gas sensor detects gas leaks using a distance that can be influenced by room temperature and the sensitivity of the MQ-2 sensor, so that the MQ-2 sensor produces a non-permanent time even though it is at the same distance. The buzzer sounds when the MQ-2 sensor detects a gas leak. SIM800L can send SMS notifications to smartphones of LPG cylinder owners when the MQ-2 sensor detects a gas leak, but the time it takes to send an SMS is not fixed because it is influenced by whether the network used by the simcard on the smartphone or the simcard on the SIM800L is good or not.


  • The MQ-2 sensor can detect gas leaks at a distance of 2 meters in a closed room without ventilation

  • The MQ-2 gas sensor detects gas leaks using a distance that can be influenced by room temperature and the sensitivity of the MQ-2 sensor, so that the MQ-2 sensor produces a non-permanent time even though it is at the same distance

  • SIM800L can send SMS notifications to smartphones of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinder owners when the MQ-2 sensor detects a gas leak, but the time it takes to send an SMS is not fixed because it is influenced by whether the network used by the simcard on the smartphone or the simcard on the SIM800L is good or not

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Salah satu kebijakan pemerintah yang terdapat dalam Keputusan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral No: 1971/26/MEM/2007 tanggal 22 Mei 2007, bahwasanya pemerintah mencanangkan konversi dari minyak bumi (minyak tanah) menjadi gas alam (LPG). Hal ini terjadi karena adanya kebocoran gas pada tabung LPG sehingga saat ada percikan api maka membuat gas yang menguap terbakar dan membuat tabung LPG tersebut terbakar[1]. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Deanna Durbin tahun 2018 merancang alat berbasis Arduino QTMega328 dimana alat yang dibuat dapat mendeteksi adanya kebocoran gas dan api menggunakan sensor MQ-2 dan Flame Detector. Alat yang dibuat akan menampilkan ke layar LCD, buzzer dan kipas secara otomatis akan hidup ketika mendeteksi adanya kebocoran gas dan apabila ada percikan api dari kebocoran gas maka flame detector akan mendeteksi api yang timbul lalu water pumb akan menyemprotkan air sehingga api tidak akan merambat ke tempat lain [2]. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merancang dan mengaplikasikan alat untuk mendeteksi kebocoran LPG menggunakan sensor MQ-2, buzzer, Arduino nano dan SIM800L v2 untuk mengirimkan notifikasi SMS ke smartphone. Mengetahui fungsi dan karakteristik dari sensor MQ-2 berdasarkan pengujian

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