
Expert System is a system created by imitating the performance or thought patterns of humans, which is input into an application system with the aim of helping to facilitate human work as done by experts. Android-based Expert System can help users analyze what diseases are present in the body. Expert System for Disease Diagnosis Through General Check Up Based on Android Mobile Application at Bojong Medika Clinic is a mobile-based application system that can be used as a platform for users to record, store medical records, automatically process data from general check-ups, and remind them to do further general check-ups in an effort to make everyone using this application more concerned about their health and avoid various diseases. This application is created using Kodular and supported by Air Table as its database, with additional tools using Firebase. The system development method used is the Waterfall Model, starting from the analysis stage, then followed by design, implementation, and finally testing of the application system.

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