
The need for monitoring of children today is very important, especially for children under five, whose physical and verbal abilities are still inadequate to be able to communicate effectively with their parents or caregivers about the conditions they are experiencing. Previous studies related to child safety that were studied generally focused on responses to events that could potentially harm children.This study aims to design a prototype child monitoring system consisting of a wearable device that is used on a child's wrist equipped with sensors and connected to a server via a wireless network. Monitoring software that runs on the server will collect all data parameters from wearable devices with built-in audio signal, temperature, and heart rate sensor then with machine learning algorithm implemented in software will allow the system to predict if stress conditions happen on children and then system can give warnings to child-caregiver through monitoring applications or SMS messages. Using the Decision Tree and Naive Bayes classification methods the system can effectively predict stress conditions in children with an accuracy of 82.8 percent using audio, temperature, and heart rate parameters. This shows that the system has the capability to contribute to increasing child safety in the supervision environment.


  • The need for monitoring of children today is very important, especially for children under five, whose physical and verbal abilities are still inadequate to be able to communicate effectively with their parents or caregivers about the conditions they are experiencing

  • Previous studies related to child safety that were studied generally focused on responses to events that could potentially harm children.This study aims to design a prototype child monitoring system consisting of a wearable device that is used on a child's wrist equipped with sensors and connected to a server via a wireless network

  • Precision-Recall And Roc Curve Calculations in R,” Bioinformatics, 2017

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Pendahuluan beberapa karakteristik khusus yakni umumnya memiliki

Kelompok usia anak masuk dalam kelompok usia belum produktif yang belum diharapkan untuk bekerja dan umumnya masih membutuhkan dukungan dari anggota keluarga lain sebagai penopang hidup. Apabila kondisi stres pada anak Tahap kedua penelitian berlanjut dengan fokus untuk terdeteksi oleh sistem, maka informasi peringatan akan mengembangkan perangkat lunak di sisi server yang disampaikan sistem melalui layar monitor pengawas dan berfungsi untuk mengumpulkan dan mengolah data atau pesan sms ke pengasuh untuk dapat ditindaklanjuti yang dikirim dari perangkat wearable device. Blok diagram yang menggambarkan arsitektur sistem monitoring yang terdiri dari komponen input, server dengan perangkat lunak aplikasi dan komponen output diilustrasikan pada Gambar 3. Wearable device yang terdiri dari beragam sensor yaitu sensor suhu, denyut jantung dan suara berperan sebagai komponen input yang mengirimkan data secara kontiyu ke server dan diolah oleh perangkat lunak melalui algoritma pembelajaran mesin yang kemudian dapat memprediksi apabila seorang anak diduga mengalami kondisi stres. Diagram Kerangka Sistem Monitoring melalui layar monitor dan pesan SMS ke nomor selular yang terdaftar di sistem

Metode Penelitian
Metode Deteksi Stres
Proses Latih Model
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