
Purworejo district government has given extension techniques of Kaligesing goat breeding through Field Extension Officer (PPL) to the breeders.However, breeders assess the knowledge and experience of Field Extension Officer (PPL) has not been optimal in the breeding of Kaligesing goat. The aim of this research is to know how the government’s communication system adapts to the complexity of Field Extension Officer (PPL)knowledge that has not been optimal in the breeding of Kaligesing goat. The theory of the research is communication system in perspective of Niklas Luhmann. The research was used explorative case study method.Population of the research in Purworejo regency which was the center of Kaligesing goat farming.The result of the study shown that the government’s communication system in facing the complexity of Field Extension Officer (PPL) knowledge that has not been optimal, has produced and reproduced the form of training, comparative study, and provision of pilot land. But government communication system not effective in reducted and selected feedback from Field Extension Officer (PPL). So reproduction of regulation not solved environment complexity. Production and reproduction of regulation from government communication system not adaptive with environment complexity.


  • Abstrak Pemerintah kabupaten Purworejo telah memberi penyuluhan teknik pengembangan kambing Kaligesing melalui Petugas Penyuluhan Lapang (PPL) ke peternak

  • given extension techniques of Kaligesing goat breeding through Field Extension Officer

  • how the government's communication system adapts to the complexity of Field Extension Officer

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Metode Penelitian

Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus eks­ ploratoris (exploratory case study). Case study adalah sebuah pendekatan yang meng­gunakan investigasi mendalam ter­ hadap satu atau beberapa fenomena sosial dan menggunakan berbagai sumber data (Patton, 2002: 447). Proses penelitian case study meliputi tahap: pertama, pengumpulan data yang terdiri dari seluruh informasi tentang orang, program, organisasi atau latar studi kasus yang ditulis (assemble the raw case data). Reduksi data mentah atas kasus yang telah diorganisasi, diklasifikasi dan diedit ke dalam file yang tertata dan mudah diakses (construct a case record). Studi kasus sudah terbaca, gambaran deskriptif atau cerita tentang orang, program, organisasi, dan lainnya, membuat semua informasi mudah diakses pembaca untuk memahami kasus dalam seluruh keunikannya. Cerita tentang kasus dijelaskan secara kronologis dan disajikan secara tematis (write a final case study narrative) (Patton, 2002: 450). Sampel pene­ litian di sebelas kecamatan, yaitu kecamatan Kaligesing, Bener, Loano, Pituruh, Kemiri, Bruno, Grabag, Purworejo, Bagelen, Bayan, dan Gebang

Informan penelitian adalah kepala
Hasil Penelitian dan Pembahasan Kompleksitas Pengetahuan PPL
Adaptasi Sistem Komunikasi Pemerintah
Daftar Pustaka
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