
This paper contains a discussion of how to use the archive classification system at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang. The use of this archive classification system aims to assist employees at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang in using the archive classification system according to their respective work units. The research method used in writing this paper is a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation and interviews. The subject of data collection through observation at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang. Observations are made by looking at how employees understand the classification of records. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with employees at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, Padang State University. The author conducted a question and answer session with employees directly regarding the use of archive classification codes, the obstacles faced in using classification codes, and solutions to these problems. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the archive classification system in the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs at the State University of Padang is actually used to assist employees in providing proper and correct archive classification codes. In the manual for the archive classification code at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang, it can be concluded that the paper on the archive classification system at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang is: (1) The archive classification system at the Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs, State University of Padang uses the subject system /problem (2) The archive classification system according to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation Number 23 of 2018 concerning Archive Classification, Archive Retention Schedule, and Security Classification System and Dynamic Archive Access in the academic and student fields has 6 archive classification codes, namely AK (academic) , TM (Student Admission), KR (Curriculum), EP (Educational Evaluation), Scholarship (BW), Student Affairs (KM).

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