
In an agency, it takes an employee who is able to carry out the work in accordance with the objectives in achieving a target becomes an assessment by the leaders. Not only attendance, but also leadership, commitment, cooperation, discipline, service orientation, integrity and ability to perform the task given also need to be used as an indicators . The purposes aim to motivate employees to be passionate in doing every activity and to have a positive influence on their work in facing challenges of globalization. Decision Support System is a need. It is called a Multi Attribute Utility Theory method is a quantitative comparison method that usually combines measurements of different risk costs and benefits. The data processed for employee performance assessment in this study as many as 20 samples sourced from the Population and Civil Registration Office of Pesisir Selatan Regency. This based on several specified criteria and weights. There are 6 data that are used in it. Such as service orientation, integrity, commitment, discipline, cooperation and employee performance goals. The result is able to support employee decisions using predetermined criteria. So that highest value is in the 6th alternative with a value of 1.8 and the lowest value on the 16th alternative with a value of 0. Later it will be a consideration for Population and Civil Registry Office of South Coast Regency to assess its employees in certain period. Employee performance assessment is proven to be able to help the South Coast Population and Civil Registration Office.


  • able to carry out the work in accordance

  • with the objectives in achieving a target becomes an assessment by the leaders

  • ability to perform the task given also need to be used as an indicators

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Pengujian Hasil

Merupakan tahapan yang terakhir dari penelitian, yaitu dilakukan pengujian untuk membandingkan hasil dari sistem aplikasi yang dirancang dengan hasil perhitungan manual dengan metode MAUT. Tujuan tahap ini mengetahui apakah diperoleh kesamaan antara. 2.1 Mengidentifikasi Masalah hasil output dari analisis aplikasi dengan perhitungan manual. Tahapan identifikasi masalah merupakan langkah awal 3. Tahapan ini penting karena 3.1 Data peneliti melakukan perumusan masalah dari masalah yang ditemukan pada objek penelitian serta Penelitian ini menggunakan data Dinas Kependudukan memberikan batasan dari permasalahan yang diteliti dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Pengumpulan data ini dilakukan pengambilan langsung kelapangan dan wawancara dengan Kepala Disdukcapil

Menentukan Tujuan
Menghitung Nilai Utilitas Tiap Alternatif
Menentukan Data Pegawai
Mengalihkan Nilai Utilitas dengan Nilai Bobot
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