
Motorcycles are comm only and widely used vehicles in Indonesia. This vehicle is highly popular because of several advantages they have . Some advantages motorcycles have , among others, ease ness of operation and a slim shape that makes them easier to park . But at the same time, it increas es interest in committing crimes of motorcycle theft. Worse, t he standard security system which is factory default is easier to break into. In this research, a tool is designed to resolve the problem by making double protection on a motorcycle using a fingerprint sensor. The fingerprint sensor acts as double protection in the motorcycle starting process. The fingerprint sensor is a component widely used these days because of its accuracy. T he result of the fingerprint registration test shows the average value of fingerprint registration delay is 7.46 seconds and 8.18 seconds for the two objects. T he results of testing the alarm system if the readings do not match 3 times will be locked for one minute. After being locked for one minute, the system will reset again from the beginning. From the results of the fingerprint test as a starter, it is found that 20 trials a re able to read fingerprints well with the status of registered and unregistered fingerprints. Then i t can be concluded that the accuracy of the fingerprint sensor is 100% accurate. The last test of the four different hand conditions shows almost the same delay value, with the dry hand fingerprint response faster than the others.

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