
Information technology integration is expected to be able to accommodate the ease and improvement in supporting database platforms through intranet and internet infrastructure. Integration is intended to blend desktop and web database systems. Medical Checkup Purwokerto is a designated place to facilitate the checkup health of the official PJTKI Banyumas Disnaker BNP2TKI. The current system, which is a check-up application, is carried out by prospective Indonesian Workers or Medical checkup units, covering many processes including registration, health checks, types, results, payments and reports. There was a buildup of operational activities Clinical work on a daily basis, by the administrator of the medical record so that management aimed at developing a web-based clinical information system includes the scope of the processed database components, access authorization, and security. The method used is the software development life cycle (SDLC) with the Evolutionary Prototype Model. Results, patient data can be integrated as a whole process flow with a client-server network architecture


  • Information technology integration is expected to be able to accommodate the ease and improvement in supporting database platforms through intranet and internet infrastructure

  • which is a check up application

  • There was a buildup of operational activities Clinical work on a daily basis

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Sistem Integrasi Aplikasi Desktop Klinik MCU TKI Pada Medical Center Purwokerto

The MCU TKI Clinical Desktop Application System Integration At Purwokerto Medical Center. Integrasi dimaksudkan untuk melakukan pembauran dari sistem basis data desktop dan web. Medical Chekup Purwokerto merupakan tempat yang ditunjuk untuk dapat memfasilitasi pemeriksaan kesehatan PJTKI resmi Banyumas Disnaker BNP2TKI. Sistem yang berjalan saat ini menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan yaitu aplikasi pemeriksaan kesehatan dilakukan oleh calon tenaga Kerja Indonesia atau Medical checkup unit ini meliputi banyak alur proses baik pendaftaran, pemeriksaan kesehatan, jenis, hasil, pembayaran dan laporan. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadi penumpukan kegiatan operasional Kerja di klinik dalam hitungan hari, oleh administrator rekam medis sehingga manajemen bertujuan mengembangkan sistem informasi klinik berbasis web meliputi ruang lingkup komponen basis data yang diolah, hak akses, dan keamanan. Alur proses data pasien dapat terintegrasi secara keseluruhan dengan bentuk arsitektur jaringan client-server

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