
Digital sales system is now widely utilized by small and medium businesses so as to facilitate customers in ordering goods moreover the internet becomes the lifestyle of most people who want everything to be practical and fast. Pomegranate Building Shop is a building shop that is developing and engaged in the sale of building materials, where the processing of goods data is still done manually and the entire report of the bookkeeping system activities are still under construction. The obstacles that arise are the problem of time in which in doing bookkeeping or checking the goods data for too long and also the problem of controlling the stock of goods available is less so regularly in a good manner. Therefore the author designed the Web-based Building Materials Stock Information And Control System using the Php Mysql,Xampp and Laravel Framework. The data source obtained is through the primary data source and the data collection technique is done by observation, interview and documentation. It is expected that this system can facilitate pomegranate stores in running their business and gain profits amid a lot of competition.


  • Digital sales system is widely utilized by small and medium businesses so as to facilitate customers in ordering goods the internet becomes the lifestyle of most people who want everything to be practical and fast

  • facilitate customers in ordering goods moreover the internet becomes the lifestyle of most people

  • The obstacles that arise are the problem of time

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Toko Bangunan Delima adalah sebuah toko bangunan yang sedang berkembang dan bergerak dalam bidang penjualan material bangunan. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan pihak toko, maka didapat informasi tentang pengolahan data barang yang masih dilakukan secara manual dan seluruh. Kendala yang muncul dengan menggunakan sistem yang manual yaitu masalah waktu dimana dalam melakukan pembukuan atau pengecekkan data barang terlalu lama dan juga masalah pengontrolan stok barang yang tersedia kurang begitu teratur secara baik. Masalah-masalah tersebut di atas mengharuskan pihak toko untuk menerapkan sistem informasi penjualan dan pengendalian stok barang material yang mampu memproses data secara cepat, akurat dan secara otomatis mampu menyimpan serta menampilkan data transaksi. Dari masalah yang dijabarkan di atas maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang “Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pengendalian Stok Barang pada Toko Bangunan Delima Berbasi WEB” yang diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan bisa memudahkan Toko Bangunan dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis seperti melakukan pengendalian stok barang, melakukan penjualan, membuat laporan dan melakukan transaksi secara terkomputerisasi

Pengertian Penjualan
Penjualan Konvensional
Penjualan Digital
Pengertian Sistem Informasi
Activity Diagram
Analisis Kebutuhan Fungsional
Hasil Tampilan
Pengujian Sistem
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