
This study analyzes the development and implementation of the New Student Registration Information System (PPDB) at MTS Baiturrahman with a qualitative approach. The research focus is on designing the registration interface and the resulting output. The research location is in Cipanggulaan Village, Kompa Village, Parungkuda District, Sukabumi Regency, with a research period from 1 to 31 May 2022. The results show that the design of the registration interface in the PPDB Information System features registration forms, uploading documents, choosing study programs, and exam schedule. This interface makes it easier for prospective students and parents to fill in registration information, select courses, and select exam schedules. The resulting output includes registration number, registration confirmation, test ticket, and acceptance status. Using this interface helps increase efficiency and transparency in the registration process. This study recommends user training, periodic system maintenance, communication improvement, advanced data analysis, responsiveness to feedback, and functionality expansion as steps to improve the implementation of the PPDB Information System. By adopting these suggestions, it is hoped that MTS Baiturrahman can continue to optimize the benefits and effectiveness of the system, strengthen collaboration with prospective students and parents, and support better decisions in managing new student registrations

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