
Yaya Wedding Organizer is a business with core business in services, especially wedding events. At current condition, the process of ordering WO packages is still done manually, customer comes to the place and chooses the package ordered, then the data is recorded in the order book. This causes errors in recording, because lack of communication between field employees and office employees regarding the schedule for installing decorations and the length of the data search process and making reports regarding ordering wedding organizer packages, so that the service in ordering WO cannot run optimally. Based on the existing problems, a new system is needed in order to help Yaya Wedding Organizer in ordering WO packages. The purpose of this research is to design a prototype web-based WO package ordering system using a system modeling tool, namely UML. The result of this research is the design of a prototype WO package ordering system that can be applied by Yaya Wedding Organizer to speed up the processing of WO package ordering data.

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