
Discourses in Islamic economic system are not new in economic study. There is always a big question behind Islamic economic system, what makes Islamic economic system with capitalism economic system and socialism economic system different! Historically, Moslems had explained earlier before middle century then developed by modern economic theorist. Al Qur’an and Al Hadits have explained how a Moslem must undertake two orientation in his economic activity, there are material orientation and religious orientation. Religious orientation that will be a Moslem can be justful in economic capitalism practice. Even if Moslem has a claim to property but every Moslem is very aware if his property is just a mandate and in property have right a poor and he must distribute zakat/ sadaqah mechanism. Because, zakat/ sadaqah is a social responsibility for a Moslem. so, Islamic economic system look from historical and conceptual view based on al Qur’an and al Hadits that have strong fundamental, so Islamic economic system is believed to be same with conceptual capitalism economic system and socialism economic system. Keyword: Islam Economy System, Zakat, capitalism economic


  • earlier before middle century then developed by modern economic theorist

  • be a Moslem can be justful in economic capitalism practice

  • Even if Moslem has a claim to property

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Dan tidak menutup kemungkinan pula jika dua sistem ekonomi yang ada saat ini (kapitalis dan sosialis) merupakan hasil pengembangan dari teori-teori ekonomi Islam yang dikemukakan oleh para cendekiawan muslim. Seorang muslim yang taat akan memiliki pandangan jika segala sesuatunya yang ada dipermukaan bumi ini telah diatur oleh Allah dengan cara sedemikian rupa dan memberikan manfaat bagi manusia atau makhluk lainya. Oleh karena itu kita sebagai seorang muslim selain harus bersikap bijak harus membuat sebuah regulasi agar tidak hanya segelintir orang yang bisa menikmati harta yang melimpah dan dapat didistribusikan secara merata.

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