
The custom or the culture of siri na pesse is the soul, dignity, and self-respect of the Bugis people. The Bugis people defend and uphold siri na pesse which is considered polluted or defiled by others will always be willing to sacrifice anything including their body and soul. This study aimed to describe the philosophical values embodied in the culture of siri na pesse using Max Ferdinand Scheler's approach. This study was descriptive qualitative research in the field of philosophy where data collected through library research supported by interviews. The steps of this research were data identification, data collection, data categories, data classification, and data analysis. The data analysis method used was the hermeneutic method and its methodical elements. This method was used to understand the philosophical values contained in the object of research, through verstehen and interpretation. The results of this study indicate that there are four hierarchical philosophical values of siri na pesse. The values hierarchy is first, the holiness values; the value of Godness or the value of beliefs, and the cultural values including morals and customs values. Second, spiritual values; honesty values, persistence values, propriety values, consistency values, and heroic values. Third, vital values; solidarity values, intellectual values, fairness values, and welfare values. The last is the values of pleasure including business and competitive values, material values, and satisfaction values.

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