
Vaccination is important for the control of some infectious diseases. This paper considers two SIR-SVS epidemic models with vaccination, where it is assumed that the vaccination for the newborns is continuous in the two models, and that the vaccination for the susceptible individuals is continuous and impulsive, respectively. The basic reproduction numbers of two models, determining whether the disease dies out or persists eventually, are all obtained. For the model with continuous vaccination for the susceptibles, the global stability is proved by using the Lyapunov function. Especially for the endemic equilibrium, to prove the negative definiteness of the derivative of the Lyapunov function for all the feasible values of parameters, it is expressed in three different forms for all the feasible values of parameters. For the model with pulse vaccination for the susceptibles, the global stability of the disease free periodic solution is proved by the comparison theorem of impulsive differential equations. At last, the effect of vaccination strategies on the control of the disease transmission is discussed, and two types of vaccination strategies for the susceptible individuals are also compared.

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