
SIR ROBERT MOND has been elected an associate foreign member of the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lett res in Paris, in succession to the late King Fuad of Egypt. Sir Robert Mond's wide interests are illustrated by the fact that he is honorary secretary of the Davy Faraday Research Laboratory at the Royal Institution, chairman of the Norman Lockyer Observatory Corporation, and also president of the Egypt Exploration Society; he is a Messel medallist of the Society of Chemical Industry, a past president of the French Society of Chemical Industry, and he has carried out noteworthy archaeological excavations at Thebes, in Palestine, and in Brittany. The museum at St. Germain has been much enriched as a result of his excavations in Brittany. The Academie des Inscriptions, by its election of Sir Robert as a foreign associate member, has attracted to its service one whose knowledge in many fields can scarcely fail to promote its activities and influence.

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