
It is not always easy to appraise the influence of a man of science who has achieved eminence in his chosen field. To do so becomes an almost impossible task when the scientist lays science aside as his major interest and turns to the realm of psychic phenomena. Thereafter many scientists look upon him with a feeling of distrust, the average man is incredulous and makes disparaging comments, while people least qualified to judge of the value and significance of psychic research are loudest in their scorn and ridicule. A scientific reputation built up by long years of arduous labour and genuine achievement can suffer almost complete eclipse in this way. Only a relatively few sober scholars will not be misled: they will judge the scientific work at its true worth, undisturbed by the subsequent or overlapping activities of the same man in the psychic field. They will acknowledge his greatness even though they may have little or no sympathy with investigation into occult phenomena.

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