
The purpose of this publication is to draw attention of all specialties practicing physicians to this issue. The article deals with a special case of sinus of Valsalva (without aneurysm) thrombosis development in a woman over 75 years old with aortic atherosclerosis. Based on the literature data analysis the possible causes of sinus of Valsalva thrombosis are discussed. It is suggested that a permanent form of atrial fibrillation and heart failure contributed to a decrease in the gradient of pressure in the aorta, the appearance of blood turbulence in the sinuses of Valsalva, an increase in the thrombogenic potential of the blood and, as a consequence, the development of thrombosis without sinus of Valsalva aneurysm. It is emphasized that the distinctive feature of the disease clinical course in this case is the absence of thromboembolic complications. The disease manifested by progressive, refractory to therapy, heart failure, which was caused by aortic valve dysfunction (functional aortic stenosis) due to non-coronary sinus of Valsalva thrombosis.


  • В статье рассматривается частный случай развития тромбоза синуса Вальсальвы у женщины старше 75 лет на фоне атеросклероза аорты

  • The article deals with a special case of sinus of Valsalva thrombosis development in a woman over 75 years old with aortic atherosclerosis

  • It is suggested that a permanent form of atrial fibrillation and heart failure contributed to a decrease in the gradient of pressure in the aorta, the appearance of blood turbulence in the sinuses of Valsalva, an increase in the thrombogenic potential of the blood and, as a consequence, the development of thrombosis without sinus of Valsalva aneurysm

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В статье рассматривается частный случай развития тромбоза синуса Вальсальвы (без аневризмы) у женщины старше 75 лет на фоне атеросклероза аорты. По данным трансторакальной ЭхоКС (2015), имели место эхопризнаки атеросклероза аорты, кальциноза аортального клапана без дисфункции, умеренная гипертрофия левого желудочка (ЛЖ), сохраненная ФВ ЛЖ, трикуспидальная регургитация I степени, легочная гипертензия I степени В аорте визуализируется флотирующий тромб размерами 16,8 × 10,2 мм, прикрепленный к стенке аорты на уровне некоронарного синуса Вальсальвы и занимающий практически весь синус.

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