
The dentistry professionals are vulnerable to occupational diseases due to its working posture. Therefore, the study aims to verify the painful symptoms expressed by dentistry students of an educational institution. Observations were made of their static and dynamic postures and investigated musculoskeletal symptoms, the sample profile and psychological well-being profile. Results: The sample consisted of 13 individuals, 6 females and 7 males, mean age 23 years. The standard posture of the respondents was abduction of the arms, keeping them suspended at 45o. The higher incidences of local pains were: neck / cervical region and lower back. Signs of stress control were predominant. Conclusion: The students maintain a standard posture during dentistry attendance, having pain in places similar to dental professionals and already pointing behaviors to control the signs of stress. Descriptors: Physical therapy specialty; Dentistry; Posture; Pain; Stress.

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