
An agricultural waste production in Indonesia is increasing as well as the growth of agricultural production. This has become a serious problem in Indonesia. A massive waste will have a negative impact on the health of living things. Therefore, this study aims to provide solutions for the utilization of agricultural waste for the needs of the industry in the automotive sector. In addition, the use of agricultural waste, especially cassava peel waste, can be used as a substitute for brake pads in the form of composite reinforced natural fibers. There are two conditions for cassava peel waste, carbonized and uncarbonized. 50,80,100 Mesh particle size of cassava peel powder used. The composition of the ratio of volume fraction between cassava peel powder and composite epoxy resin used are 20:80; 30:70; and 40:60. The results show that variations in the composition of fibers and resins have an impact on wear values. The best wear resistance shown from the added of 20% cassava peel powder in 100 mesh sizes of particle with 0,00061 ± 0,00039.


  • An agricultural waste production in Indonesia is increasing as well as the growth of agricultural production

  • Nilai ketahanan aus dihitung sesuai dengan rumus pada Persamaan. 1, dinyatakan dengan kecepatan pemakanan kampas rem per kilogram

  • [12] Emre G, Akkus A, et al, “Wear resistance of Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) with the Addition of Bone Ash, Hydroxylapatite and Keratin,” 9th International Conference on Tribology (Balkantrib’17), 2004

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Sintesis Komposit Kampas Rem Bebas Asbes Berpenguat Serbuk Kulit Singkong

Widya Emilia Primaningtyas 1*, Rahma Rei Sakura, Suheni, Amir Biqi, Chamim Handoyo. Produksi pertanian dan perkebunan yang melimpah di Indonesia, berbanding lurus dengan limbah yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan solusi pemanfaatan limbah pertanian untuk kebutuhan industri dibidang otomotif. Penggunaan limbah pertanian khususnya limbah kulit singkong dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pengganti kampas rem berupa komposit berpenguat serat alam. Terdapat dua kondisi limbah kulit singkong yaitu dengan pengarbonan dan tanpa pengarbonan. Limbah yang digunakan berupa serbuk kulit singkong dengan ukuran partikel 50, 80, dan 100 Mesh. Komposisi perbandingan fraksi volume antara serbuk kulit singkong dan resin epoxy pada komposit yaitu 20:80 ; 30:70 ; dan 40:60. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa variasi komposisi serat dan resin mempunyai dampak terhadap nilai keausan. Nilai ketahanan aus yang paling baik dihasilkan oleh penambahan 20% serbuk kulit singkong dengan nilai keausan 0,00061 ± 0,00039

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