
AI2O3-ZrO2 microcomposites having nominally equal volumes of the two phases were prepared by a combined gel-precipitation technique using AICI3 and ZrOCI2 precursors. Dried gel powders were calcined at 375°C followed by compaction and sintering to study the (i) evolution of phases of AI2O3 and ZrO2and (ii) densification behaviour of the microcomposites. ZrO2 crystallized to tetragonal/cubic structure formed at 375°C, while AI2O3 crystallized to δ-AI2O3not before 1000°C and converted to α-AI2O3at or above 1200°C.For sintering time of 4 h the density increased almost linearly from about 74% of the theoretical at 450°C to 94% at 1150°C and then gradually to a maximum of 97% at 1400°C. All the zirconia was in the tetragonal form up to 1000°C, but the tetragonal fraction decreases from 97% at 1100°C to 10% at 1400°C.Sintering studies for varying holding times (4 h to 10 h) at temperatures from 1150° to 1250°C showed that the density increased, but the tetragonal fraction decreased with increasing temperature and with holding time at a given temperature. At 1200°C, the tetragonal fraction was 52% and the density was 97% of the theoretical. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the AI2O3 and ZrO2 phases were intimately mixed with average grain size of each phase less than 500 nm.

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