
The paper is aimed at reviewing the studies of mesoscale eddies in the open ocean carried out by the Soviet and foreign institutions during the experiments in the specified geographical regions. The eddy-current effects are known since the 1930ies, and just the experiments “Polygon-67” in the Arabian Sea, “Polygon-70”, MODE , POLYMODE, Tourbillon , “Mesopolygon” in the tropical Atlantic, “Megapolygon” in the northwestern Pacific Ocean have advanced our knowledge about physical nature of the ocean eddy dynamics. Long-term complex measurements including current meters at the moored buoy arrays accompanied by a series of hydrographic surveys have provided the required experimental data for developing the theory of mesoscale variability. It explained arising and evolution of the eddies in the ocean as a result of interaction between various physical processes: baroclinic instability of a large-scale current, transformation of geostrophic turbulence in the Rossby wave field, barotropization of eddies and others. Later on, the studies of the ocean mesoscale variability evolved from the oceanographic surveys and special-purpose experiments at the polygons performed due to the research vessel cruises to the satellite altimetry methods and the drifter technologies. All the modern global estimates of eddy formations published in the last decade confirm the previous summaries, particularly those describing spatial distribution of the eddy kinetic energy in the World Ocean. They also represent new or the improved assessments of the eddies’ various characteristics: their size, drift velocity and direction, sign of rotation, nonlinearity, trajectory shear and others. Despite of the progress in remote sensing and regular launching of great amount of drifters and profiling floats, it is still difficult to obtain a comprehensive pattern of eddy dynamics within the whole World Ocean. It seems perspective to resume in future special-purpose experiments in the key regions of the World Ocean based on modern technologies.

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