
One or two mg sinomenine and 1-5 mg prednisolone injected into the joint cavity of the dog both disrupted mast cells of the joint capsule and released histamine contained in the capsule. The histamine reducing effect of sinomenine on the capsule was stronger than that of prednisolone.The ability of depleting histamine by both drugs could not bring the level down more than 10 per cent below the normal irrespective of increase in the dosage of the drugs. However, both of these drugs in an increased dose delayed replenishment of depleted histamine.Morphological differences could be observed between the mast cells destroyed by sinomenine and those by prednisolone, namely, the swelling, discrete intergranular spaces, and diffuse extrusion of granules outside the cell could be recognized in the former, while in the latter no opening of intergranular space but granules were collected into aggregates of various sizes, and these minor clusters and lumps were entwined like threads, showing a cohesive disruption, and vacuoles could be often observed. In cytoplasma of the disrupted cells in either case metachromatic tone could be observed rather than orthochromatic tone.These disruptive changes of mast cells could no longer be recognized ten days after the injection.As for the histology of the joint capsule 24 hours after the injection of either one of these drugs, slight edema and cell infiltration could be observed, but the picture ten days afterwards showed no abnormality.The relationship between the therapeutic effect of intra-articular injection of prednisolone on rheumatic or rhematoid arthritis and the action disrupting mast cells have been discussed, and it was assumed that sinomenine also may have an effect similar to prednisolone.

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